We must once and for all understand what Christ did for us at the cross. He forever took away the thing that offended God's holy eye, so that we will always have a right to his presence. We are accepted in God's sight and there is not a single thing in God's heart against us!

Don’t go a step further until you learn the efficacy of Christ's blood—that you are fully pardoned! The cross cleared us in God's eye. We may forget that, but God never does. The veil was torn to allow us entrance and God was saying, "You are accepted! Come boldly to my throne, for you are now mine in the Beloved."

If God is satisfied, why shouldn't we be? This is the one issue that must be settled. Is there anything between you and your Father in heaven? You may say, "My heart condemns me! I've said and done things that would grieve the Spirit. I feel unworthy and the heavens seem brass." To all this you can answer, "But God is greater than my heart!"

Do you hate your sins? Have you confessed them? Do you believe that through Jesus, "forgiveness of sins is preached" (Acts 13:38)?

Here is where many Christians fail. They live with unnecessary fear and bondage, because they do not understand the victory of the cross. They are clear in God's eyes, totally satisfied by Christ’s sacrifice, but they don't know it. There is nothing blocking access to him except our fear and lack of knowledge. When the veil was split, God came out to you and me! We go in—he comes out!

How incredible! We offend God, yet he is so anxious to clear us in his own eyes, he sends his own sacrifice for our sins. Sin was judged and the offense removed. Now God can say, "Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more" (Hebrews 8:12). He himself removed the distance!

God is not wanting to impute sin against us. Instead, he seeks to reconcile us to himself. He desires that we live in the blessedness of knowing the sin question was forever settled at the cross.